Protect pollinators and biodiversity with AgriSound’s unique monitoring technology | Learn more

Protect our pollinators! Learn more

Monitor. Map. Maximise.

We’re on a mission to protect our pollinators by transforming how we monitor insect activity

Company overview

AgriSound is a technology business dedicated to helping protect the world’s biodiversity through the use of sensors to automate pollinator monitoring, creating the data needed to make timely and better informed decisions.

This data can be used to help protect the world’s food supply through precision pollination, and to help environmentally-aware organisations learn how to transform the way they operate to benefit biodiversity and the natural world.

  • Our Mission

    The world needs data to protect biodiversity, our global food supply and our planet. We are on a mission to install 1 million devices across the world, creating the world’s largest pollinator dataset, so we can make better and more informed decisions.

  • Our Vision

    Integrating pollination services into our everyday lives across society will help support global biodiversity. Our vision is to become the leading pollinator monitoring technology brand across all markets.

  • Project One Million

    With over 75% of fruit crops and £375B of economic services dependent on insect pollination, there is a growing need to take urgent action to reverse the decline of pollinators. Project One Million brings together organisations who want to protect bees and insect biodiversity with our unique monitoring technology and other specialists, to use data to target solutions in areas most in need.

    By acting now, we can do more to protect future food systems and the benefits from a healthy planet.

    Learn more

Our approach to sustainability acting responsibly for a better impact

Encouraging and helping others to protect pollinators is crucial for our planet in the face of habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change. We also believe managing our own impact on our planet is essential. We access renewable energy sources to power our growing global network of devices, continually evolve our approach to manufacturing and distribution to minimise our environmental impact, and measure the impact of all our work on our planet.

Casey Woodward Ph.D

It has never been more vital to protect and encourage our declining insect populations.

Without pollinators – bees, butterflies, moths, and other bugs, we would lose more than 75% of all food crops. But pollinators do much more than protecting our food security.

Pollination is crucial to maintaining healthy ecosystems by encouraging natural biodiversity, the removal of carbon from the atmosphere (from increased plant growth) and ensuring our food is jam packed full of nutrients.

Casey Woodward Ph.D, Founder & CEO, AgriSound

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